Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Zi Wei software on a Windows tablet!

I often have questions, does the Si Hua Zi Wei app runs on Android.

Unfortunately no.  The Android development system is one of the most horrible on Planet Earth today, the SDK perpetually has a beta and unpolished feel.

Back to the apps, both the Bazi and Zi Wei software works perfectly on Windows tablets and its touched enabled.

This is a screen capture on the Asus ME400C tablet. 

This is a screen shot of the Bazi software in action with artificial intelligence to guess the chart type/strength.


Application of standard Qi Men Dun Jia software

This is the standard 9 palaces Qi Men Dun Jia chart for 30th Mar 2014, 1500 hours.

From the primary Qi Men or Xuan Kong Da Gua perspective, there are many clever arguments in using this hour.  If you look carefully from Qi Men Dun Jia e.g. time stem's aspect, the timing is not considered ideal.  The real utility at south west portends ill for general matters, favors hunting or arresting criminals.

For Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection perspective, it has failed one key test even if you have a nice name for the date time.

If you have x-ray eyes, or some basic Bazi, or date selection knowledge, you will think twice using this date and time.