Saturday, March 31, 2012

Family Gua formations in Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection

Weeding out Family gua taboos in Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection is a tedious event. Most Xuan Kong Da Gua date selection entry level utility will probably give taboos a miss.

Some practitioners swear by it while others plainly ignore it

According to taboo fans, a good Xuan Kong Da Gua date may violate gender taboo. Gender taboos may arise after introducing dweller or house gua. Finally you need to draw up a gan zhi (stem/branch) list that violates the gender considerations. Therefore not all family structure formations are good for everyone.

Doing it for a single date time is simple as many will claim, what happens if you have 10 dates to ensure none violate gender taboos? This is when modern computation devices comes in useful.

In this case, we have 13th April 2012, 5AM-7AM. The utility has determine 6:07AM to be true solar time for the Chen hour for GMT+8, Longitude 108.3, another time saving feature.

Numerals arranged from hour on the left. Family gua (see attachment). The directions are also printed out for geomancy applications.
Hr Day Mth Year
6 3 3 6
9 2 2 4

*69 is Major group*: (Sun) Type: Father

32 is Minor group:(Wei Ji) Type: Son
32 is Minor group:(Sun) Type: Daughter

32 is Minor group:(Wei Ji) Type: Son
32 is Minor group:(Sun) Type: Daughter

64 is Minor group: (Tai) Type: Son
64 is Minor group: (Sun) Type: Daughter

Avoid:Pi-Tai family, Avoid:JiJi-WeiJi family,
Suitable:Sun-Jian family,

Avoid the following Ganzhi and directions

Family members of Pi-Tai.

Ganzhi Angles
Geng Xu 315 - 320.625
Ji Chou 39.375 - 45
--truncated for ease of reading--

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another practical date selection example

The best way to test if a computer utility is useful is to run it and note whether it make life easy for humans.

Let look at another date. Seemingly many Combination of 10 if you would excuse the prickly clashes.

Friday 13 Aug 2010, 16:18 GMT+8

Hr Day Mth Year
Jia Yi Jia Geng
Shen Wei Shen Yin
3 7 3 3
9 6 9 1

However more trouble is brewing in paradise even if clever defence is made for the clashes.

Of course a defence team could make a case for Geng Yin pillar having an evil Xuan Kong numeral twin. Hence date selection, even with computer automation, bad hair days are possible.

To achieve the best of both worlds, automation and maintain mental dexterity is ideal. To bash one and wholeheartedly skew towards the other, vice versa will result in many wild goose chases.

It will be an awful waste not to use this time even there is something insidious about the gender again. But gender taboos can be defended, unfortunately by selecting the correct activity.

Using the 9 Palace Qi Men Dun Jia, this is the chart. At least two non-kosher activities are possible.

Somewhere in the south east and east sector, despite time stem in grave.

Some practical date selection example retrospection

This appears to be an acceptable Xuan Kong Da Gua date.

18th June 2010. 9-11AM GMT+8

Hr Day Month Year Dweller House Sitting
Ji Ji Ren Geng Wu Ding
Si Hai Wu Yin Shen Chou
8 2 2 3 2 4
2 2 1 1 6 7

Want to take a crack on possible weakness for this date?

The Si-Hai clash, using the family relation can be defended. The house sitting Chou was briefly discounted using a Wu month.

The main weakness is more insidious. It comes from the interaction between date time's month-year against the dweller's year pillar. There seems to be indeterminate gender. Dweller child gua meeting different and competing parent guas in month and year.

Dweller birth year XK numerals could be child of Xun or Kan group and coincidentally meets Xun and Kan parent in the date time month and year pillars :D

82 is (Tai) Type: Son
82 is (Heng) Type: Daughter

22 is (Pi) Type: Daughter
22 is (Yi) Type: Son

*21 is (Xun) Type: Mother

*31 is (Li) Type: Mother

26 is (Xun) Type: Son
26 is (Kan) Type: Daughter

There are two variants to this approach.

Variant 1:
Geng Yin only has the parent Xuan Kong (XK) numerals for date selection.

Variant 2:
Geng Yin can take 2 XK numerals for date selection, use the better one that has utility.

Hence this date can be defended if variant 2 practitioners assume Geng Yin can take the (4,2) numerals and hence avoiding the indeterminate gua taboo.

Variant 1 will probably scoff at the idea.

Supporters of variant 1 and 2, what are your take.

Personally I go for variant 1.

Wicked question, if variant 1 is correct, how serious is violating indeterminate gender taboo?

We can use other date selection systems other than Xuan Kong Da Gua. Let us take a look at the 9 Palace Qi Men Dun Jia for 18th June 2010, 9-11AM GMT+8.

The saving grace is the Wu stem is in a good palace, south west and 天辅时辰 may defend the defects in the gender indeterminate taboo earlier but alas 8 Door Fan Yin.

See attachment for the Zhi Run, Rotating Palace chart.

Oh wait a minute, there is another San Yuan Qi Men Dun Jia.....

Therefore it makes better business sense to do just Feng Shui rather than date selection. The amount of work for date selection is not as simple as plotting a few charts or using powerful computing aids.